2 min read
06 Nov


Patent documents start with a page where patent data such as title, application reference number, and patent scope are presented. 

In addition, we can find the applicant - that can be a company, and the inventor - that can be one or more people. 

Next, appears a list of previous patent applications for this invention, the filing country, and the international treaty under which it was granted.


Typically, after the general data, we will find a Summary of the invention showing the general field, purpose, practical application, or the problem that this particular innovation addresses.

FIELD OF THE INVENTION                                                                        

This section includes the technical area, industry, and/or technology of the disclosure. Although is general and brief, this part is a good way to set the audience's expectations about the topic.


Here the state of the art in the technical field and the problems to be solved are presented. It may stand how the present invention can address some of the limitations existing in the art.


This section will allow the person "skilled in the art" to implement the invention. Exemplary embodiments of the invention are included and intended to be non-limiting. These examples are mentioned for illustrative purposes only. 

The Detailed Description may also contain performance results of the invention under particular conditions assessed by the inventor. 

Some documents may also include a summary of the description that emphasizes the main aspects of the technique or product. 

Technically, this section is the cornerstone of the patent.


The claims are the items to be patented, i.e. the specific methods, products or processes to be protected. Legally, this is the upstanding part of the disclosure and therefore, should be carefully written and translated.


The figures or drawings can include diagrams of apparatus or instruments, process flows, chemical formulas, graphs, and even results that illustrate the uses, performance, and parts of the invention.


This section shows the previous disclosures similar to the invention that may compromise its novelty and patentability. These are presented by a patent examiner from the office requesting the document.

To know more about the patent filing process, consult our easy to follow blog below. 

Author: Kenia Salazar-Díaz 

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